2 thoughts on “Tweak to transform…

  1. Here’s an idea that’s got me thinking…. Why not use Bloom’s Taxonomy to structure questioning? It’s good to sign post it in the lesson plan:

    (remembering) what happened in the experiment?
    (understanding) where did the copper come from?
    (applying) So were did the mass go?
    (analysing) So how would we get copper in real life?
    (evaluating) What would be the problems?
    (creating) use your imagination – what would a real life solution look like?

    Take your time over these. Set up a think pair share with the time and resources for students to explore these in detail, with things like spider diagrams, drawings and notes.

  2. Thunks in Science

    Starting a lesson about “responding to the Environment”. Students need to understand that we have receptors (in our eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin) that pick up stimuli. Specialised nerves take the signals to the brain and more specialised nerve cells conduct the signal back to an effector which responds. ….

    The Thunk students came into was: “Does the universe exist”. This provoked intense discussion with set 6 and led to us deciding we could tell that the outside world is real because we can see it, hear it, smell it, taste and touch it…..

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